Oregon's State Forests

Photo by Guido Rahr

Stretching across more than 500,000 acres of public land in Northwest Oregon between Portland and the Coast is an oasis of secluded salmon streams, popular recreational trails, and important hunting and gathering areas.
Including both the Tillamook and the Clatsop State Forests, these public lands are owned by all Oregonians and the state has an obligation to manage them for the things most valued. But for too long, the region has been considered a tree farm with a sole focus on timber harvest.
Speak up today, to protect clean water, fish and wildlife, and recreation opportunities through balanced management on the North Coast.

Listen to our interview on State Forests and the importance of a strong Habitat Conservation Plan with Bob Rees, Executive Director of NW Guides and Anglers Association.

Oregon manages over half a million acres of state forest land.  That land is every bit as public as national forests, but historically, the state and the timber industry has treated it as just another timber plantation.

But that’s finally changing, and right now, the Oregon Board of Forestry is considering a Habitat Conservation plan which would set aside almost half of that land for long term stream and forest habitat conservation in the most critical areas of the forest.

This would be a huge win for salmon, steelhead, and other endangered species, and provide a major source of temperate rainforest carbon sequestration when we need it the most.

Unsurprisingly, the timber industry has launched an all-out misinformation campaign to stop this habitat conservation plan, even though it would still allow for logging in much of the state forest.

Read our comments on the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement for their proposed Annual Operations Plans. 

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The Coast Range Association is leading the effort to bring a Green New Deal to Oregon’s forests.

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